Saturday, November 3, 2007


The radical feminists preach that porn hurts women. Consider this vile, hysterical reaction of a woman who said she would consider aborting her own son if she knew he would, heaven forbid, masturbate to porn as a teenager.

". . . I understand why a woman might say that if she had known her son would use pornography, she might have thought twice before going through with her pregnancy . . . . Yes, I do. Because pornography hurts women, and as women, we are under no obligation to participate in any way in what harms us and other women."

Of course, only men use and traffic in porn, isn't that correct? That's the unmistakeable impression one gets from reading the radical feminist blogs.

The fact is, if you want to see raunch, look at the pictures that are strewn across the internet of bachelorette parties thrown by young women for young women who have, presumably, made a promise to marry some man. These affairs often contain "penis" imagery that is as far from the art of Michelangelo's David as one could imagine. They serve up penis cakes, some despicintg erect members, and some with icing that is supposed to simulate ejaculate. They have penis party favors. They play cards with naked men cards, and leer at Playgirl magazines.

Of course, this is entirely different because it's in the spirit of fun (and men looking at naked female bodies is not fun, it's work?). And the feminists claim that women are not "objectifying" men (no? A woman is marrying a man, and the imagery strewn about these parties is common to all men, but somehow that's not objectifying?). Female porn subjugates and oppresses women, they claim. But it's somehow OK for women to have naked men playing cards with pictures of erect guys; it's OK for them to whistle and scream in daytime talk show audiences when a man takes his shirt off. Ask any young woman what she wants in a man and one of the things will be "good looking." All of that is OK.

Let's be honest. It's different for men because men get sexually aroused at the sight of a beautiful woman. Sorry, ladies, that's a fact. It makes women uncomfortable. Without the male sex drive they considered so vile, there'd be few children. Too bad feminists find us so disgusting.