Friday, November 2, 2007


How is it that regardless of gender, people lie about everything under the sun for all manner of reasons -- except, according to the radical feminists, when it comes to the subject of sexual assault. In that singular instance, mirabile dictu, one gender supposedly is incapable of telling a lie, and the other is supposedly composed of pathological liars.

If the Duke lacrosse non-rape case taught us anything, it's that the male gender is under attack. Society has determined that white males are, in almost every way that counts, inferior to females. Misandry means hatred of men (just as "misogyny," a word every feminist tosses about more freely than "hi," means hatred of women). The onset of misandry was so subtle, so gradual, it was barely noticable, but now it is so prevalent it's hard to miss -- unless you haven't been paying attention. It is everywhere.

Have you noticed that gender double-standards are at play in our popular culture, and that they all happen to work against men? No? It's because you haven't been paying attention. Consider the following:

Have you noticed that males are routinely portrayed in the mainstream media as bumbling fools or pigs who are merely to be tolerated by their all-knowing, well-adjusted and put-upon wives, daughters and sisters? No? It's because you haven't been paying attention. That's the default mode for depicting males in television shows and commercials. The woman always knows best, and men are present merely to be foolish and comical so that the advertiser's point can be made at their expense.

On a more serious note, if a woman claims she's been raped, regardless of the identify of the defendant and even if the defendant offers a firm and credible denial, who does society automatically presume is telling the truth? The woman, of course. The well-organized feminist groups claim that one percent of women lie about rape (the number is actually closer to 50%).

How is it that regardless of gender, people lie about everything under the sun for all manner of reasons -- except, according to the radical feminists, when it comes to the subject of sexual assault. In that singular instance, mirabile dictu, one gender supposedly is incapable of telling a lie, and the other is supposedly composed of pathological liars. You think this isn't so? That's exactly what happened in the Duke lacrosse non-rape case.

Who do the police believe when a domestic dispute occurs? One hint: the spouse who generally paid for the house is escorted away from it, while his children watch from the windows. All that a woman needs to do is claim that the husband "got physical" with her, and he is taken away. She sleeps under the roof he paid for, and he sleeps in a cold, uncomfortable jail cell.

Some feminists want to ban urinals -- from men's rooms, mind you -- because they represent male dominance.

Others want to impose a "man tax" on all men to pay for the abuses some men commit on women.

Others want men to be charged more to ride airplanes because a few men, out of the billions on earth, have acted badly toward women on planes.

Do you see what all these things have in common? Men are being stereotyped, men are being prejudged as evil based on the actions of some males. Ironically, the stereotyping is being done by feminist groups who traditionally have fought against this very thing. In fact, the only time it's appropriate, to them, is with respect to men.

Men must not sit still for this. History shows that men do not sit still when they are attacked. We need to stand up for our gender and refuse to be stereotyped.